My first semester of college was not what I expected. I went into college not sure what I wanted to do but with my history, there were a few things on my list that I was interested in continuing. One of those things was finding a job in Iowa City either on campus or not, which did not happen. I had applied to one or two jobs and was offered a position but based on my or their schedules, they weren’t offering me enough hours. However, I did work at my job back at home over Thanksgiving break and plan to work over winter break. I also applied to work for The Daily Iowan but I didn’t hear back from them about an interview. Instead, I joined this blog where I get to share about my college experience.
Back at home, I was involved in my church youth group. We meet weekly and during our meetings, we talk about our weeks and plan for upcoming retreats during the school year. When I came to campus I was overwhelmed with how many ministries Iowa offered both on and off campus. Yet, I connected with Salt the most and since going there and my weekly bible study with the Navigators, I have found myself much more connected to my faith. Both these communities have brought me some amazing friends and I love hanging out with them whether that is in our bible study or connection group.
I knew that I was going to be homesick and I was homesick the majority of the time, however, I enjoyed living on my own. I had complete freedom on how my day would go and had no obligations besides taking an exam or the occasional meeting with my academic advisor. With this freedom came a lot of responsibility like taking my trash out. I always waited until the last minute to take my trash out which would usually be around two to three weeks’ worth of wrappers, tissues, and empty Amazon boxes.
Spending money for me wasn’t too much of an issue. Sure, I bought new clothes and a weekly iced chai latte, but I mainly ate at the dining hall for every meal. I barely went out to eat for fast food or even restaurant food unless a friend invited me or there was a special going on such as a $6 entree at Chipotle on Halloween.
Not having access to a car is what restricted my freedom in some ways because I had to rely on public transportation. Since it was my first semester and everything was new, I explored a little but not a lot because I was afraid of getting lost or stranded. I went on the Coralville bus once I think to get to a volleyball game but that was about it.
However, I ride the cambus everywhere especially because I live at Mayflower. For the first month, I probably walked a few times to the main campus and back until the warm weather disappeared. I have a hate and love relationship with cambus because at times its whereabouts are inaccurate or the fact that there are limited routes on the weekends which makes getting to campus hard sometimes. Having to plan out when to leave so that I catch the bus on time has been a struggle for me this semester.
Overall, my first semester of college wasn’t so bad but it was one crazy rollercoaster ride of emotions. One day I was happy and the next I was just exhausted. College gives you so much free time that you have to use it wisely or you’ll get behind. When I procrastinate things they pill up and cause me to feel frustrated and overwhelmed.
As I head into my second semester next year, here are some things I plan on changing. First, I want to explore the campus more. I chose Iowa because the campus was so pretty and the way it was laid out in connection with downtown Iowa City. I hope to explore the campus more and the surrounding area such as Coralville when the weather gets warmer. Going to a women’s basketball game is also on my bucket list and hopefully, I’ll get to do it with my dad when he comes to visit.
My sleep schedule is a priority of mine next semester. I have an 8:30 class twice a week and to make it to class on time I’ll have to adjust my sleeping schedule. I’m naturally a night owl so I tend to stay up too late and this is a habit I want to change next semester.
Lastly, I want to make some new friends. I haven’t found my group of friends yet or the people I can count on to hang out with whenever. I hope next semester I find the friends I’m searching for. Surface-level friendships only last so long and I hate to say it but I’ve lost friends this semester, one of them being my roommate. As much as I enjoy my dorm to myself, a new roommate would be great to have and maybe we’ll become good friends. Whatever the future holds for me, I can’t wait to see what happens.