As we head into the last week of the semester, here are some helpful tips to better prepare for finals week.
- Start studying now! Even if your final isn’t until the second half of the week, it’s better to start earlier rather than later. Cramming for finals isn’t an option because this last grade can either make or break your grade in the class.
- For every hour you study, take a 5 to 10 minute brain break. Studying for a long period can be quite mentally draining and may cause you to lose focus on the material you’re studying. During my breaks, I use the restroom, fill up my water bottle, eat a snack, etc. What’s important about my breaks is that I get myself to stand up and move around. Sitting down can start to feel uncomfortable after a while so try changing locations or taking a short walk to get blood flowing.
- Eat food before your exams! Trying to take a test on an empty stomach isn’t fun and can be quite distracting when trying to focus. During my freshman year in high school, I didn’t eat breakfast before my morning exam and I almost passed out while taking the test. Luckily, I held it together and finished the exam, but feeling lightheaded definitely negatively impacted my score.
- Take advantage of all the fun events on campus. The Iowa Memorial Union (IMU) has a ride range of events such as visiting therapy dogs, pancakes, massages, and so much more from Sunday Dec. 15th to Thursday the 19th.
- Take the time to catch up with friends this week! While studying is important, you have plenty of time to meet up for coffee or have a movie night. This is the last week you’ll see your friends before having to go home for winter break, which may not seem like a long time, but it is. Luckily, your friends are just a phone call away, but I prefer talking to someone face to face rather than on the phone.