Hi everyone! I now have four weeks in Iowa under my belt and almost three weeks of classes of the first year done! Some huge transitions come with coming to college, and there are some that I am still getting used to! Waiting for washers and dryers, dining hall food, living independently, and taking more difficult courses are just a few new challenging things that are coming my way each day. There are also so many amazing things that come with this stage of life. I am making so many new friends and having the first look at what my professional career might look like. I participated in On Iowa! week which was so busy and fun. My social battery at the end of every day was completely empty because I was talking to so many new people and trying new things. There was bingo, friendship bracelet making, a silent disco, kickoff at Kinnick, self-care carnival, the president block party, and poster sales, just to name a few! I also did Honors Primetime, which was a course offered (for free) to all honors students during On Iowa! week. I chose to take “The Psychology of Food” and I thought it was a great/quick way to earn an experiential learning credit in only three days and meet a few people in the program. Thanks for tagging along and I’ll update soon!
Love love love this! So fun to read about others experiences, can’t wait to see what else you have to post!