Hello everyone! This semester is going by so quickly that I can’t believe we’re already ten weeks in. In case you didn’t know, this is my first year as an RA. I’m the second floor RA in Petersen Residence Hall. Mary, the other RA on our floor, and I had the chance to work together this month to organize an event for our residents!
After considering a number of options, we decided on a game night that would battle her half of the floor against mine. We agreed to hold three competitive rounds: a murder mystery game, a mummy wrapping relay race, and a game of trivia I made with Blooket. We also included more snacks and cookies with a Halloween theme to our shopping list.
We had a fantastic turnout for our event on October 27. We allowed our residents to socialize and introduce themselves before the games began. Even several of the other RAs in our building came to show their support. In the end, my side of the floor won, and their prize was a stuffed plushie.

Overall, this event was a huge success, and I thoroughly enjoyed organizing it and helping Mary with it. I hope this gives you ideas for activities you want to organize with your friends, residents, or student organizations. That’s all I have for now…have a wonderful Halloween!