Reflections on First Semester
The transition from high school to college life is… unique. Any and all of your old habits and lifestyles can change, from living situations, academic difficulty, friendships… But I wouldn’t trade this experience for anything.
College courses are definitely different than high school- even A.P. ones. Though some of mine were admittedly easier than a high school course, there’s still a level of difficulty that comes with it being a university class. There are more papers and exams that count for large portions of your grade, and when every class starts to get into the nitty-gritty, work piles up. But managing your time wisely and spending time studying (alone or with friends/classmates) makes all the difference. Overall, I really enjoyed the university learning atmosphere. It feels more formal, and I can appreciate the education more because I know that I want to be there.
Living in and adjusting to the residence halls was certainly a chore. It’s hard at first to live with someone, especially if you’ve never shared a bedroom before. But eventually, a rhythm sets in. Finding a new diet though….. I’m still working on that. The dining hall food is (mostly) good, but sometimes the college stereotype of microwaves ramen is true (and the freshman fifteen is real). I think the weirdest part about living on campus, though, was that I was away from my family. I’d never been away from them that long (even though they’re less than two hours away). I think it was a good experience, though. Now, being back home for winter break, I’ll never take independence for granted again. Being around my friends in Iowa City is something that I will miss greatly this month.
Getting to know new people has by far been my favorite part about college. All of a sudden, I’m meeting people through classes, clubs, and work that I never really thought I could be friends with. One person I met is even going to be living in an apartment with me next year! I think college definitely speeds up the bonding process. There are so many things to do to get to know each other and so many things to talk about. Plus, the idea of university life being so new to everyone can create a common ground and mutual understanding. I was always told to cherish these times and these people because they’d be friends for life. And I actually believe that.