3 is one of my favorite numbers, but that has nothing to do with this blog other than the fact that March is the third month of the year. But even then, March usually isn’t my favorite month of the year.
But maybe this year could be different.
If you’ve read my last two blogs (which you totally should go read if you haven’t already), you’ve already seen some of the things I got to do, but there’s still so much I haven’t written about. This March has been quite eventful, to say the least, and as I am typing this, I still smile at the fun memories I now have. While this blog might not be as long as my other ones, this blog might just be one of my favorites I’ve written.
It’s sad to think about how there is probably only one more blog that I will be writing for my Asian series after this one, but that’s a problem for future me. But enough yapping, here’s my recap of the Asian-related activities I participated in this month.
Vietnamese Student Association
@uiowa_vsa on Instagram
To start the month off, I went to VSA’s Ice Skating Social at Coralville’s Coral Ridge Ice Rink. This social was also in collaboration with the Filipino Student Association (FSA; @uiowa.fsa on Instagram), and other student organizations like AASU and OASIS attended as well! This was arguably the event I had been looking forward to the most for VSA (maybe even more than Tết), and as a figure skater myself, I had a lot of fun showing my friends what I could do.

Next was another Study Social. This was meant to just be a chill time to hang out and/or study, but let’s be real, studying did not happen for most of us there. I got some work done, but maybe it was because I was so ready to go on spring break that I spent the rest of the time there socializing.
Surprise surprise, here’s another VIA-1 feature! I know, you’re probably sick of me talking about this one weekend for the third blog in a row, so I am once again just going to promote my other blog that I wrote specifically for VIA-1. It was truly a fantastic weekend and I can’t wait for the next UVSA-Midwest event I go to.

We also had ACCE Week! This was an entire week dedicated to spending time with our ACCE families. ACCE is basically VSA’s big/little program where we get put into groups to have deeper connections with! This week consisted of fun activities like baking and grabbing boba with our ACCEs.

During ACCE Week, we also had our Squid Game GBM where we played fun games in teams to try and beat the other groups. We played games similar to the ones in the show, like Red Light Green Light and the Dalgona Challenge (this is the one where you cut a shape out of a hard sugar candy).

Korean Conversation Group
@kcg_uiowa on Instagram
The first of two KCG meetings this month was Noraebang, where we all gathered to sing songs together. We sang old and new songs, popular hits and smaller artists’ music, and even some songs in other languages too.

The other KCG meeting I went to was their Independence Movement Day meeting. Here we learned a bit of the history of the March 1st Movement in Korea, drew our own Korean flags, as well as recited the Korean national anthem. It was a rather chill but educational meeting, and I left being a little more educated than I was.
Organisation for the Active Support of International Students
@oasis_uiowa on Instagram
Last but not least was OASIS’s Multicultural Formal. I was performing with KCG and Hallyu (@hallyuatiowa on Instagram) so most of my time at the formal was spent preparing to be on stage. We got to eat some cultural food and watch other groups perform as well. Once the show was done, I spent the rest of the night talking to friends and taking pictures with them.