Now begins the shortest and most important time of the semester. Not only did we just get back from break but we are preparing to leave again in less than 3 weeks and have finals to worry about. But before we leave again, we have to get through the last 2 weeks of classes and finals week.
Important things for the next 2 weeks:
The best way to get through the next 2 weeks is to stay focused and keep attending classes and completing assignments. This isn’t easy, I find myself thinking “Do I really need to go to class today anyway, we’re almost done”, but I know for myself that I find lectures to be the only way I can be successful in my classes to complete the assignments.
Completing assignments is time-consuming work that no one wants to do, but it has to be done eventually. Since I’ve come back from break, I’ve really struggled with not procrastinating assignments until the night before. No matter how many times I tell myself I will do a little bit of the assignment each day it never seems to happen, causing me to have another not unusual all-nighter. Planning out all my assignments definitely helps me not forget about assignments until the day before it due, letting me sleep full nights.
Balancing time for school, student organizations, and personal time is crucial to avoid burnout. At the beginning of the year, I was able to do this very well because my classes had just started with fair workloads. Unlike now, my classes have definitely picked up with the workload. Alongside this, some student organizations require more time than others for some weeks, causing me to lose time that I normally keep for myself to hang out with friends, go to the gym, or even just relax. Once I got into a pattern that allowed me to do all 3 balanced, I could feel a difference because I felt less stressed in my day-to-day.
As finals approach, my main goal is to take my time studying so I can really do well in all my finals. While my grades are looking good right now, there is always room for improvement.
Going into the last few weeks of the semester I wish everyone good luck for finals week!
Good luck on your finals. Another great blog, keeping fellow students updated on your life as a student at UI.