I have always believed that the most wonderful thing about evolution is how every now and then new stages begin. And I guess the college one is about to begin. Before I continue, I’ll introduce myself. My name is Valeria Quintero. I’m 17 years old and I come from Colombia. I’m going to study pre-med, yet to decide specifically on my path. When I received the mail of the opportunity to be an ambassador, I did not hesitate because the opportunity to present yourself in front of the whole university is not seen every day.
Leaving that aside, today I want to speak to all of you but especially to all my classmates who today, like me, are beginning the path to start their dream, a dream that for some are law, for others medicine, for others journalism, for others psychology and I could continue naming a thousand more dreams. I don’t know about you, but I am impressed by how much time goes by. I just saw myself in kindergarten, then elementary school, high school, and in the blink of an eye university, and don’t you feel proud of everything you have achieved when you go back to school? And that is why today I definitely believe that we all deserve congratulations because we have already passed that first stage that we need for our evolution. It is already checked and that is why we should all be happy and allow ourselves to enter with all that begins today to this second stage.
The best way to see it is with passion, faith, love, and discipline because undoubtedly that dedication, and hours of study that we learned in school we have to put into practice, and even in many moments we will have to multiply it. But I am convinced that although what is beginning will be a challenge that many times will stress us, and will challenge us. It is a challenge that later on will fill us with pride because when we are in 2026 and look back, we will see all that we did to fulfill our dream.
Finally, I think it is important to dedicate this final to the families of all of us, especially to our parents who without a doubt in my life have acted as my number one accomplice. I wish you the best in this stage that begins and never forget that although life is a blink of an eye, and many times it seems that we have a rope tied around the body full of responsibilities and pressures that pull us, that is so, but let’s try that the knot does not tighten too much and please today we all promise that although the challenge is great we will not stop trying because we came to fulfill our dream ?☺
Don’t be afraid of new beginnings, new people, new energy, new surroundings, or new challenges. Embrace new chances at happiness.
Finally, I want to say I know I haven’t posted anything but this is the first of many I have ready for you to read 🙂