A Day in the Life

Hey again Hawks!

My first few weeks of classes have been phenomenal! I am proud to say that I now know the difference between the East and West sides of campus, along with familiarizing myself with the CamBus system. I have made new connections, tried new things, and have been getting involved around campus.

I’m going to take you through a day of my schedule, particularly my busiest day, Monday!


I start the day with waking up around 8:30 and I ALWAYS make my bed first. It stops the temptation when I want to crawl back into my bed. I get ready to go to class, pack up my bag, and head out the door by 9:15 to go to my first class.

My first class is Elementary Spanish II, directly corresponding with my Spanish minor. It runs about 50 minutes, from 9:30-10:20. The class is extremely fun! It’s filled with speaking practice, going over homework, and cultural enrichment. This is by far my favorite class of the day.

After this class, I go back to my dorm, grab a light breakfast and some coffee, and head up to the study lounge on my floor. I really enjoy studying in the lounge because it has a beautiful view of the river, along with an outlook of the West Side of campus. For the rest of the morning, you can find me here, working on various homework assignments. I always have some kind of Spanish homework to complete, along with a combo of algebra, chemistry, and writing. My course load is not too overbearing, but keeps me occupied.


Usually I go and get lunch around 12:30 with one of my friends down in the Catlett Marketplace. There are so many different styles of food, and they are often rotating through, so I almost never eat the same meal. Between 12:00 and 1:00 pm, the seating in the cafeteria is always spotty, so sometimes we struggle to find a seat. By the time we leave, it’s 1:00, so we head straight to General Chemistry I.

Even though the class starts at 1:30, we aim to get there early because the lecture has around 350 people in it. It is a giant lecture hall, but we always sit right in the front row. This not only helps us better understand what is going on, but also eliminates distractions from the people sitting in front of us.

Class ends at 2:20, and I usually head back to the lobby in my residence hall to revise and retype my chemistry notes. This is very important to me because in order to accurately process and absorb the information, you have to understand the notes written for each lecture. Then I usually grab a quick snack from my room and head out to my Chemistry Discussion at 4:30.

My chemistry discussion is a time to review the material that was taught during the weeks lecture. It’s filled with practice problems that help further the knowledge we were taught in class. Chemistry is my hardest class by a mile, so this discussion helps me out a lot.

The turn around is pretty quick for my last class, College Algebra, which goes from 6:30 to 8:20 pm. Yes, it’s a pretty late class, but so worth it. It only meets on Monday’s and Wednesday’s and we do get a short break in between. Since I enjoy math, it’s a breeze.

Well that was a very general recap of the many different classes I take on a Monday!

Go Hawks!

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