I went to Print with The Daily Iowan
Hey y’all, so if you’ve been following along this year, I’ve been talking A LOT about my experience working for DITV, The Daily Iowan’s TV affiliate that goes live three times a week simulating a real news station.
But back in January, I stepped back from the station to switch to the print side. While they focus on their physical paper and daily newsletter that goes out to all their subscribers, I joined their digital division and started helping brainstorm content for their social media channels.
I worked with the executive editors and the photographers at a much higher rate and actually learned a lot about how they operate, which differs so significantly from how DITV operates. The editors are there EVERY SINGLE NIGHT, along with some of their workers, ensuring a product is delivered to their readers and subscribers every day that is worthy of their payment.
It is honestly so impressive to see the incredible dedication from so much of the staff to actually get stuff like that done so often. At DITV, there are three shows a week, meaning we have three nights a week where we have to prep everything and three morning shows where we need to come in, but absolutely every day the print staff is in doing insane work.
While I did re-join DITV, it is honestly so cool to see just how much work goes into their side of everything, and also how positive the staff is despite their workload as editors. If you are coming in as a journalism major, and want to write but not do anything in front of the camera, the DI is the perfect spot for you.