A Pinterest Dorm Room

If you’re like me, you’ve had your dorm room mapped out in your head since the beginning of your senior year in high school. And you’re exactly like me if you had an entire Pinterest board dedicated to it… I enjoy doing these things! You can totally check out my “Iowa” board on Pinterest for reference: https://pin.it/mdhl5vq2i5pdcd

It’s also fun to just think about and envision; but when you start actually purchasing things for your room, it gets pretty hectic. It’s the little things that you need that don’t cross your mind unless you’re told about them. Of course, I read every article on Pinterest that had to do with all things college dorm rooms, such as things you need and don’t need for your room. I also talked to some friends who are in college about things they were glad they brought and things they didn’t end up using. If they can provide specifics and things out of the ordinary, that makes it even better. Both of these resources are extremely helpful. The University of Iowa also has numerous, helpful lists on ‘What to Bring’ on their website for Housing & Dining.

If you have a roommate, it’s best to coordinate who is bringing what and what you want your room to look like. Unless you have a completely different style or like the same things, it’s important to come to an agreement either way. You’re going to be living with this person for nearly a year. You want to get along. My roommate, Maggie, was fine with whatever. 

I took the Sherwin Williams color ID quiz: https://www.swcolorid.com/?gclsrc=aw.ds&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI39rHlObY5AIVYSCtBh3mbQVDEAAYASAAEgLhb_D_BwE because when you’re creating your living space, you might be totally into a color scheme, but it may turn out that the colors are too busy for your liking. My color ID/scheme was perfect for me. I sent it to Maggie, and of course, she liked it, too. Here’s a hint: when searching for a roommate, find yourself a Maggie.

Sure, it can be stressful, but it’s also a lot of fun. If you’re like the typical guy, however, you’re good with whatever blue plaid bedspread your mom bought you. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that!

Ultimately, you’re going to be living in your dorm room for an entire school year–make it a space you want to spend all night binge watching Criminal Minds and eating popcorn. 


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