
My first two-ish weeks of classes have actually been pretty great so far. The schedule I created for myself back at orientation is something that really works well for me and I’m so glad that I don’t feel as overwhelmed as I thought I would be.

First of all, I have an average of two classes every single day with multiple hours of free time in-between. I’ve never considered myself a morning person, so knowing this about myself really helped when planning my schedule. My Monday and Wednesdays don’t even start until 4:30 pm and that’s perfectly fine by me.

Another thing I made sure to think about when I was building my weekly routine was taking my interest in choir into consideration. I have a few choir friends from high school who also became involved in the programs here at Iowa so I asked one of them which choirs I could possibly be in. I then used this information in collaboration with my counselor to make specific gaps in time where two of the choirs could easily fit. This definitely gave me major brownie points for a good first impression when I had my audition and they asked to see my schedule.

I ended up getting placed in Women’s Chorale which meets every Tuesday and Thursday and I’m ecstatic! I’m so excited to be involved in a program in which I can meet girls who are just like me and I’m also glad that I’ve been given the opportunity to continue my passion for music and choir.

However, with choir being added to my schedule, Thursdays are now my “longest” days. On these days, I wake up around 7 am in order to be ready for my 8:30 Media and Society discussion class and steadily have something to do until 5:30 pm.

Now, to be honest, most of my high school days were like this. I’d be up early some parts of a semester for morning rehearsals then have more extracurricular activities until 6:oo at night. Plus my classes are actually intriguing and I’ve essentially got 3 extra long “study halls” in-between so this is obviously something I can handle.

With all of this being said, that allows for quite a bit of things to see, learn and experience during an average Thursday. This is what I saw today:

Although there’s a lot to see on Thursdays, that doesn’t mean every other day can’t be interesting. I’m going to make “Views” a weekly topic in addition to whatever else I blog about during the week to show what I’m actually seeing around Iowa City.

If you haven’t already checked out my personal blog, you should! I write about the same content that I post on here but it’s little more in depth including additional pictures and extra commentary. Below is the link to “Views” that I posted on there. Enjoy!


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