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These last few weeks have been a little hectic for me. From being able to participate in my first presidential election to signing a lease for an apartment, getting a job, and balancing school work, I’m ready to just slow down and have Thanksgiving break.

This week, I thought I’d share some of the things I’ve seen around campus post-election and during my usual Friday activities.

For lunch, I decided to try out the River Room Cafe on the main floor of the IMU. It’s right past the Memorial Union Hotel and kinda tucked away in the back of the building. My friend, Liz, told me about it and said that they have a pasta bar and stir-fry bar available for Flex Meals. I was intrigued. I had a really long period of time between my two classes of the day and figured, why not try something new?


Instead of taking the easy way back to my room, I chose to walk past the Pentacrest and Old Capitol building since it was so beautiful outside. I started to look around and just take the beauty of the day in when I noticed something beneath my feet. I usually see chalk written on the sidewalk promoting events or student organizations. But with it being only two days after the election, these little markings appeared.

I will say that I’m not very happy with the results and quite honestly don’t wish to talk about it. I’m just glad that these people are bringing awareness to important ideologies as the people of our nation, and Iowa City, try to cope with the results. There was also a peaceful protest that occurred Friday evening where students and Iowa City residents marched the streets to the interstate. I would’ve probably participated if I knew the event was happening. Whether I participated in these events or not, I’m just glad people are standing up for themselves and what they believe in.

Now,  I know this post has been delayed and it’s cause things are just a little too hectic for me right now. I’ve been trying to finish two major papers and a 40-minute presentation these past two weeks and it’s been a struggle to come up with anything creative to write or even have the time to do it. I love blogging and can’t wait to get back to a regular schedule of writing fun things for you guys to read but I really want to be comfortable with my time management, first.

So again, sorry for the delay but I hope you all have had a fantastic last few weeks and have a happy Thanksgiving break 🙂


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