Since coming to Iowa, I’ve been welcomed with open arms by the Salt Company and Veritas community. My faith has always been a part of my life, but until three years ago I wasn’t an active member of my church community. Here in Iowa, I’ve been going to Sunday service and Salt on Thursday nights at Veritas Church in Tiffin. The community here has been so wonderful and I want to share the opportunities I’ve gotten to experience that I may have not gotten if I had chosen a different college.
In September, I was invited to the fall retreat. That weekend was so much fun and helped me grow closer to the girls in my connection group. I wrote about this trip earlier this year so if you want to read more about the fall retreat, go read that post.
Before winter break, my connection group had a mug exchange where we all bought a mug and did a white elephant where we went around and fought over certain mugs that we wanted. It was fun to see all the different mugs people brought at the end because all of them were so cute.

A few weeks ago I started doing Veritas Kids on Tuesday mornings because Veritas hosts a women’s bible study that morning so I get to watch the kids while their moms are at the study. At first, it was rough since the two-year-olds were crying because they missed their moms, but the past two weeks have been mostly tear-free. They’ve gotten comfortable with being there and I’ve enjoyed watching over them because they’re so sweet and cute. I’ll read with them or color next to them, however, their favorite thing by far is the bubble machine.
Lastly, this past Sunday I got the opportunity to attend Homeiz’s which is where freshmen are invited to someone’s house within the Veritas community to enjoy a meal together with other freshmen. At first, I hesitated about going, but the idea of eating a home-cooked meal and meeting new people sounded like a great experience. I was assigned to visit one of the Salt staff members home and she was a wonderful host.
While there I and a few other freshmen and some Salt leaders drove us there, ate tacos, and had a great conversation. We talked about our current reads, favorite movies, and what college has been like this semester.
Going to Homeiz was a great experience and one I would love to do again if given the chance. I got to meet some sweet girls who I’d met before but didn’t know that well going into the dinner. I’m glad I got to eat a meal with them and chat since all of us are in different connection groups.
Coming to college was scary at first, but having a faith community that supported me was something that I needed. I have such a close relationship with my friends and the community at my hometown church, so leaving that behind was harder than I thought. What I love about Veritas compared to my hometown church is that everyone there understands the struggles of being a college student because they either are one now or have been and know what it’s like. My hometown church’s youth group was similar in that way, but it’s different because everyone’s in high school besides the adult volunteers and I can’t relate to them as much as I used to.
Overall, having a community whether it’s a place or a group of friends, is important to have when at college. For most students, it’s their first time being away from home and there are certain expectations that you’re supposed to follow. My first semester of college had a few bumps in the road, but I made it to the other side, and for me, that wouldn’t have been possible without Veritas.