I should be sleeping right now since I will be getting up at 6am to ride 70 miles on a bicycle, but instead I am staying up and writing my first blog post!
My little sister and I decided back in January that we were going to participate in RAGRBAI (The Register’s Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa) this year. This is the first time either of us will be riding in RAGBRAI and we will be riding from Carroll to Coralville. Saying that I am an amateur cyclist is a HUGE understatement. I realize I had six months to prepare myself for this little venture, but the truth is I haven’t ridden a non-stationary bicycle for approximately one year. Woops! I sure hope I can rely on those express cycling classes I took back in January!
While I am a little nervous about making it through the next four days alive, I am also VERY excited! When I get back I am sure I will have plenty of pictures and stories to share!