Halloween Madness
Weekends in Iowa City can be hectic. Taking the bus at night on the weekend? You might as well forget about it! But this weekend I beg to differ. Taking the bus was entertainment all on its own. How often will you get to ride on a bus filled to the rim with people in costumes? Probably once a year. It was so much fun to see everyone all dressed up and see some creative costumes, and then some not so creative costumes.
I’ve never been a big Halloween person. I believe the last time I dressed up was in 8th grade. Its just never been my thing. But this year I decided to dress up as a Crayola Crayon and it was always fun when I ran into a different color crayon downtown.
In high school you may have thought you were “too cool” to dress up for Halloween. Believe me, I was one of them. But now that I’m at Iowa, I figured why not! It’s the one weekend I can get away with wearing something a little ‘out of the box’. (Get it? I was a crayon??) Well that was my lame attempt at a joke.
Sure, you’re going to college for academics, which should always stay your top priority, but why not at least let loose a little bit why you’re here? Live it up Iowa City Style! Step out of your comfort zone a little bit, and just be yourself. Halloween is a great time to try on different personalities and meet new people. Let’s face it, costumes are always a great conversation starter! So just have fun, and be safe my fellow Hawkeyes!