

Research, Research, Research…

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I won’t lie. Research papers kind of suck, and if you’re a procrastinator like me, they’re even worse. Research papers are already stressful enough, but when you have a midnight deadline hanging over your head, you get stressed out even more if you put it off to the last minute like me.

I had a 5 page historiography/research paper due at midnight Sunday night. Confused on what a historiography is? Yea me too. It was assigned a couple weeks ago, and how much do I have done? Only one page. Not a good thing. Now come Sunday, and I’m FREAKING OUT! So instead of sleeping in like I truly wanted to, I woke up early and hit the books and starting writing. I also had a sorority meeting for a couple hours today so I was even more afraid I wouldn’t get it done.

But now I’m sitting here at 2:00 in the afternoon, and I’M DONE! I couldn’t be more proud of myself. Luckily it was just a rough draft so it didn’t need to be perfect, but it didn’t make it any less stressful. I’m just so proud of myself for finally getting what I need done, and I wasn’t still sitting at my desk at midnight scrambling to finish this paper. Now the rest of the day will be much more relaxing and its so rewarding to have that feeling of accomplishment.

My advice to fellow procrastinators, don’t wait. Just get what you need done, done. It would have been a lot more rewarding if I had gotten my paper done ahead of time instead of waiting until the last minute.

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