The Storm is Over.
The storm that is formal sorority recruitment is now over! It has been a stressful past 2 weeks to say the least, and tonight marks it’s end! I have to say, being on the other side of recruitment was definitely exciting, but surprisingly just as nerve-racking as going through it as a potential new member! Every day was different with different jobs and things to remember, but tomorrow is looking up to be the most exciting of them all. Tomorrow is BID DAY! Such an exciting day, and it’s the day we will all finally meet all our new members! I’m so excited to finally meet everyone on a much more casual and relaxed level and welcome them as our new sisters! Recruitment (and all it’s stress) was still a fun time! There is so much bonding between sisters, and so many new memories are created. I look forward to creating so more of those memories tomorrow along side our new members. So congratulations to all the girls who made it through formal recruitment, YOU DID IT! And if you were unable to complete the process, don’t be discouraged! Many chapters have continuous open bidding even after formal recruitment has come to a close. If you’re still highly interested in joining a sorority I definitely suggest looking into it. Formal recruitment may have just not been the right setting for you, but that’s completely ok! It’s an exciting, but very stressful time and can get the best of us. But for those girls that made it through, I can’t wait to meet some of you as my new sisters! Tomorrow is going to be so exciting and surrounded with love. I can’t wait!
Although the recruitment storm is over, there are still many others things to worry about! Between classes, marching band, and work, I’m lucky I found any time at all to even write this post! Hopefully as the semester progresses things will calm down along with my level of stress. I’m hoping for this year to be even better than the last, so here we go!