Mingling with Minnesota
This past week was HOMECOMING! and our football team took on the Minnesota Gophers! So obviously you would think why would I want to talk to anyone affiliated with Minnesota? They were our sworn enemy this week. But when it comes to Big 10 Marching Bands, there are no enemies!
Twelve Minnesota tenor saxophone members came down to the game, and approached us (the Iowa Tenors) before the game! It was really exciting to meet all of them, so we all decided to get dinner at Old Chicago after the game! But obviously this being a last minute decision, we had no reservation for 20 people at the restaurant, so we ended up sitting at 6 four-person tables in a row. At first we thought we would kind of segregate ourselves by school, but I actually ended up sitting alone with 3 Minnesota band members! Every table ended up having a nice mix between the schools! It wasn’t awkward at all, it was like we had known each other all year!
We had such a good time at dinner, we decided to continue the fun at our section leader’s apartment. We all went back there and just spent the night away swapping stories and just having a great time! It was crazy to think I only met them that morning! We all had such a great time, we’ve decided that it is going to become an annual shindig when Iowa plays Minnesota. So next year the Iowa Tenors are headed to Minnesota! It was so amazing to meet and hang out with all of them. It will definitely be one of my most memorable Homecoming weekends!
Go Hawks!