First Week Takedown.
So this past week, or “syllabus week” as many like to call it, was the big wake up call for Iowa students after they got back from winter break. Many students have a rough time re-adjusting to things. No longer sleeping in, finding all your new classrooms, diving back into homework, purchasing books… basically the first week back is a choppy one.
For once, I had a very smooth week back. I had a really rough time home with several family members passing, so coming back to my life in Iowa was a relief. But being back still had its’ challenges. I had quite a rough first semester struggling with anxiety, high stress, depression, roommate problems, getting homework done, and overall time management. So returning for the spring semester I was absolutely determined to not repeat last semester.
I’m happy to report that after this first week I have confidence I’ll be able to overcome my fall semester slump. I feel like I’m on top of my game. I’ve been using my new agenda like a mad woman and it’s kept me unbelievably organized and helping infinitely with my time management. I’ve switched roommates and I couldn’t be happier in my new room and with my new roommate, so I will no longer feel stressed just coming home to my own room! I’ve also been right on top of my homework, completely, days in advance instead of waiting to do it the night or morning it’s due.
Overall just taking some of those simple steps has reduced my stress to an unheard of level for me. I feel much more organized and put together, and I don’t feel like a chicken running around with its head cut-off! Hopefully I can grab onto this momentum and hold on for dear life so it doesn’t get lost and fade away.