Your Guide to Surviving a Night Class:
Let’s be real, at some point in your college career, odds are you will find yourself in a night class at some point… but my first tip? If you can avoid taking a night class, avoid it. I had a night class this past semester and it was once a week for 3 hours, and let me tell you, it was not my favorite class to go to. But, there are still some things you can do to make sure you’re successful and stay motivated for your night class.
1. Go to class!
Period. Odds are it’s only once, maybe twice a week if you’re lucky. So the best thing you can do, is go! Missing just one class can leave you pretty clueless for the next week. You could even miss a deadline, or a new project that got assigned! Often times you’ll be assigned a project due the next week because you have an entire week to do it. So unless you’re coughing up a lung, make sure you get your butt to class!
2. Don’t put off your homework.
Sure, it’s easy to have class that one day and put your homework off until the night before your next class. DON’T DO IT. Learn from my mistake. I always did my projects the night before, and I was always stressing about time, or even forgetting what we went over in class! So do the work while it’s fresh in your mind, instead of waiting last minute. (But let’s be honest, this tip really applies to all your classes.)
3. Make an adventure out of going to class!
Depending on the location of your class, take a little adventure before class. My class was in Art Building West, and since I live off-campus with a car, I would drive to class at night. But instead of driving straight there, I took a slightly more scenic route to listen to some of my favorite songs before class. Or if your class is by the Pentacrest, stop downtown and get a tasty meal first! Basically what I’m saying is, do something you enjoy on the way to class, even if it’s something small. It will help put you in a good mood before you’re sitting around for 3 hours.
4. Bring Food.
I don’t know about you, but I really get the late night munchies. Or in this class, the class time munchies. For me having a snack during class helped pass the time. Instead of just sitting and staring at the teacher, it allows you to satisfy your hunger and put you in a more pleasant mood. And if you don’t want food bring something to drink! Probably a coffee or soda to make sure you stay awake until the class is over! But a side-tip, don’t bring something crunchy! If you’re in a small class it can be pretty obnoxious!
5. Get to know your classmates.
This may seem basic, but my night class was a total of 10 people and we didn’t really get to know each other. And not having some people to chat with during a little down time? That just makes the class drag on even more. We ended up just sitting there in silence, staring off into space. Awkward… I’m not saying you need to be “besties,” but at least make an effort to get to know your classmates on a conversational basis. That will also help if you have any questions or need help outside of class!
Overall, if you ask me, night classes suck. So avoid them if you can. Obviously not everyone feels that way, but this is simply my opinion on the matter. There are many more ways to help make a night class more tolerable, but these are the ones I think will help you the most. So if you do end up taking one, these tips should help you make it out alive at the end of the semester!
Good Luck, and Go Hawks!
Great idea!