Life After Graduation.
Thinking about my life after graduation: What will it be like? Where will I end up living? What will I be doing? Where will I work? Will I get the internship of my dreams?
These are all thoughts I have a a daily basis. I think everyone wonders what it will be like, but for me I’m wondering where (aka what STATE) I will be living in. I can’t say I’ll be remaining in Iowa past the end of my lease in August, but I also can’t necessarily say I’ll be moving home to Chicago. Soon I won’t even be able to call Chicagoland my home! My parents are actually moving to Denver, Colorado in the very near future. So Denver will be my new home.
BUT. I recently just made it through all the interview stages for my dream internship, and if they accept me into the program, I could be making my way down much further south! I won’t mention where, or what, the internship is (I’m very superstitious, I just knocked on wood!), but that’s because I don’t want to jinx anything!
Basically, what I’m saying is, is that my future has several different paths it could take. Some I’d love, others, not so much. I’m really trying to cherish all the time left I have in Iowa City, with my friends, and just in the city I have come to hold so dear to my heart. I have no idea what city or state I’ll end up in, but for now, Iowa City is my focus.
College is over before you know it, so rock it out in class, but don’t forget to make some amazing memories along the way. In the meantime, I’m checking my email a million times a day until I know if I got the internship, and trust me, if I do, there will most definitely be a blog post in the works!
Go Hawks!