The Best Time of Year
In my opinion, the best time to hang out on campus is the spring. The weather is perfect. Not too hot, not too cold, beautifully sunny, everything is beginning to bloom, the grass is getting greener, and the top of the Old Capitol shines. I think every student should take some time to enjoy sitting on the steps on the west side of the Pentacrest and just enjoy the sun setting. It’s a beautiful sight to see.
I love hanging out on the Pentacrest in my free time, or even between classes. A couple weeks ago I was out sitting on the steps (in the picture above) and I had the pleasure of making a new acquaintance. His name was Joe, or as I refer to him “Pentacrest Joe.” I never learned his last name, or got any contact information, but we had a lovely conversation for well over an hour. It’s people like Pentacrest Joe that make me remember one of the many reasons I love Iowa. We had a common interest, so we started chatting. Simple as that. No strings attached. So Pentacrest Joe, if you’re out there, just know I enjoyed our conversation very much, and the spontaneity of it truly made my day. One of the best things about Iowa is just how friendly the people are in general. There have been times that I may have been having a rough day, and someone simply giving me a passing smile on my way to class helped in even the smallest way.
As my time in Iowa winds down, I’m truly trying to make the best of everything. I’m making a strong effort to appreciate the smaller gestures, and things I may have taken for granted over the last couple years. When I walk to class, I try to give someone a smile that might have helped me in the past. Instead of rushing to classes, I take it slow and enjoy my walk and my surroundings. Instead of plugging into my headphones, I go without. Instead of watching Netflix in my room, I do my homework on my porch. Don’t wait to appreciate your surroundings, the people that go with it, and the beautiful campus that Iowa has. It’s a place that has impacted my life for the better, and it will forever be a part of me. I am a Hawkeye.
Go Hawks.