Summer Settling
It’s been a couple weeks since I said goodbye to my freshmen year at Iowa. My dorm I called home in Iowa City, and all the amazing friends I made while I was there. And I’m not gonna lie, I really miss it.
I’m not one of those kids who had a ton of best friends in high school, and could not WAIT to be home for the summer. I’m the opposite. I have two friends left from my high school days. One who graduated with me, and another who is a senior this year and about to graduate. So now 90% of my friends are at Iowa, and none from my hometown. So it’s rough being apart from them during the summer because we all got so close this year. Don’t get me wrong, it’s good to be home and see my family, but while living in Iowa City my friends and sorority sisters became a second family and I miss them so much. Luckily a few of them are Chicago ‘burb’ kids like myself, so I at least can see them a couple times this summer. But overall, I’m mostly alone.
It’s taken a lot of getting used to, not being on my own anymore, and frankly I’m still not settled into my old room. But I’m getting there, slowly but surely. But I have to say me and my friends are counting down the days until we return to Iowa, and as marching band members we’re mentally prepping ourselves to take on Hell Week.
I’m happy it’s summer, and there’s no homework, or papers to be written. But I miss Iowa City and my friends, it’s bitter-sweet being home.