Time. Never enough time. It’s the one thing in the world that no matter what you do, you can never just get more when you need it. You have to manage it wisely.
As finals week approaches it’s quite the time crunch. I feel like I have so much to do, and no time to do any of it! And when I do have a little extra time, I don’t want to spend it doing laundry or dishes, but those are things that you can’t really get behind on. Like right now for example, I have a little extra time before bed, and I really should be doing laundry, but I also haven’t posted a blog in a little while. So I figured the laundry can wait. It’s all clean, it just needs to be put away. So i figured I’d use this time to update my blog instead.
I love writing for my blog, it’s a great outlet for me to get my inner thoughts out, and just share my thoughts and experiences. I may not be completely aware of how many people actually read my blog (besides my mom, shout out to her for reading my every post!) but I like being able to just write. I keep a journal, but I definitely have a more fast paced mind, so sometimes handwriting everything just takes too long for me. So being able to type it all up is super convenient.
Finals is always a crazy time, no matter your habits, and no matter your major, finals will always come to eat up all your time. It’s crunch time for me, and all I want right now is sleep. So with that, I’m off to bed!
Go Hawks!