Balancing Act
Part of going to college is learning how to create the perfect balance between your academic and social life. And let me tell you, it’s not easy. When I look back on my last two and a half years at Iowa it has definitely been a roller coaster ride. A trend I see is that it typically goes by semester. One semester I’ll be super sociable and my grades won’t be as good as they could be, and then the vice versa.
This semester I’m trying to make a change. I want to finally find that “perfect” balance between the two. And as of the first couple weeks, I think I’ve been doing it pretty successfully. If I want to go out, I set a rule for myself that I can’t do that until all my homework is done first. Past semesters I would wait until Sunday night and then panic, but these past few weeks I’ve gotten everything done on Thursday night! So that leaves my weekends free to do as I please. Hopefully I can keep this up! I’ve been much happier than any previous semester, and I like to attribute that to finally having a more balanced schedule between school, friends, and other activities like my sorority or marching band.
Many people (and parents) will tell you that “you’re going to college to get an education.” Which is completely true! Don’t get me wrong, but on the other hand, how could you handle the stress of all that academic work without giving some time for yourself? Sure you go to college to get an education, but you can’t forget about the college experience itself. Think of how different high school would have been without any clubs or sports? It’s the same concept.
Whether your time is spent in a club, greek life, or just hanging out with friends, it’s important to have it. You’ll go nuts if you try to solely focus on school work. Don’t forget about your academics, but also don’t forget to give yourself some down time.
Go Hawks!