Schedule Planning
Ever since my first year at The University of Iowa I’ve always been pretty overwhelmed when it comes to planning the next semester’s worth of classes. High school made it easy because you would pick your classes, and then they would generate your schedule for you. College you have to do it all on your own. Sure your advisors can guide you, but they can’t do it for you. My biggest struggle is always my fall semesters. I have to juggle 3 separate schedules: class, work, and marching band. All 3 are very important for me, so picking out the right classes at the right times has always been crucial.
One of the first things I consider when planning my schedule is was classes do I absolutely need to take. I give those a higher priority and try to base my schedule around when that class is offered. A class I would consider a necessity would be a prerequisite course or a class require for your major. You can always squeeze electives in when you need to. It’s much harder to do that for necessary classes.
Next up, I factor in any other important classes; like classes for my minor for example. Those are next on the totem pole. You also need to be mindful of when classes might be. Meaning are they only offered in the fall? Or only in the spring?
After those, then that’s when I try to take into account the actual times of day those classes are offered. I personally prefer to take morning classes, so I can have my afternoon free for work and marching band. If I can swing it, I also like to avoid Friday classes. That helps open up my weekends for either homework, or to travel home if necessary.
The most important thing is to decide what your priorities are. For me it’s to get the classes I need, and in the morning. While some people might prefer to finish their gen-eds first, and only take afternoon classes. It all depends on your own preferences. Happy scheduling!
Go Hawks!