It’s That Time of Year…
This is the time of year where the sickness sets in. Whether it be homesickness, or just being sick in general. This is the time of year when it hits, and hits HARD. I personally was hit with a lovely cold. Hello cold season!
About Wednesday this week I started to feel a little groggy, but I thought I just needed some more sleep. The next day I discovered I had a good old fashioned cold. I was all congested, severe headaches, I just didn’t want to move period. Going to class was the last thing I wanted to do. I live on the west side of the river and I personally prefer to walk to class. The buses are always over-crowed and the last thing I wanted to be was claustrophobic, so walking to class in pretty chilly weather was not appealing. The class I had that morning doesn’t take attendance, so it was BEYOND tempting to just skip it and call it a day. Although very tempting I still dragged myself to class, but one incentive was that on my walk back CVS would be right there so I could pick up some cold medicine.
Getting sick without having your parents there, for lack of a better term, sucks! Crawling out of a lofted bed is no fun when you’re spacing out, and there is no one there to tell you exactly what type of cold medicine you should take. Being sick, I’m usually pretty out of it. At one point I even saw one of my friends in the pentacrest on my way to class, but I was so out of it I barely recognized them. But it was worth getting to class because my TA explained a paper that would be due in a week or two. So if anyone out there is thinking about missing class because of a mere cold, don’t do it. I promise you that whatever your professor or TA has to talk about that day is still very important. Sickness isn’t fun, but class is more important than maybe an extra hour of sleep or sitting on the couch. So if you’re not sick to the point where you can’t function, go to class. It will be worth it in the long run.