No Game?
There is no game this week, and honestly I may have a heart attack come Saturday. Every week since I’ve gotten here I’ve woken up at 5am every Saturday to rehearse with the Hawkeye Marching Band before the games. This Saturday however, there will be no game, and I’m not sure what to do with myself.
Unlike many college students I have yet to experience the luxury of sleeping in on Saturday morning. Instead I’m out and about carrying a huge tenor saxophone and marching around a field. Don’t get me wrong I LOVE being a member of the marching band, I’ve just never had a free Saturday.
The one thing I’m excited for is our next home game against Northwestern. Their band will be visiting us, and we will have an awesome show prepared. I won’t say what it is, but if you’re in the crowd expect to be participating! A really fun halftime show is headed your way!
Whenever I write a post about the marching band I feel like such a “band geek” but it’s a very large part of my life here at Iowa and I love every minute of it. I can’t wait for what’s coming in these next couple weeks!