Watch out! Midterms have found their way to the University of Iowa! It’s always a stressful time of year for most students. It’s also the tipping point of the semester… so that’s always intimidating.
This is the time of year where you go from the mindset of “oh, things are just getting started, I’ll be fine!” to “crap, crap, crap! I don’t have enough time!!!” Basically saying, the stress and poor time management sets in. Midterms are a time where you have so much to do, but it feels like you have so little time to do it. Being someone who constantly struggles with successful time management, I can relate to this 100%.
One thing you should always remind yourself of, is that you’re here for an education. No matter how much you love Greek Life, or a club, or a team, school comes first. Period. It may be hard to listen to yourself, because let’s be honest, classes are not the most enjoyable thing of your college experience.
But because it is midterm season, I thought I’d share some time management, and study tips!
1. Find a good place to study!
Everyone has their own preference. Some people need dead silence, so I suggest hitting up the top floor of the Main Library. If you prefer a little white noise, the IMU River Room may be for you. If it’s a beautiful day? Study outside! (CAUTION: if the weather is nice you can easily get sidetracked by a nice afternoon nap on the Pentacrest, instead of studying.) Or just study in your room! I know I personally like to sprawl everything out across my bed in my house! Or if I’m really motivated I hit up my favorite study spot on campus (besides being outside), that being the Art Library in Art Building West!
2. Study alone, or with a group!
Some people work best when they are flying solo, and if that works for you, by all means do it! Personally I find myself to be more motivated when I see other people studying hard, it prevents me from slacking off, even when we aren’t studying the same thing. In a sense it’s like positive peer pressure. I see my friends working hard, I want to too! I don’t want to sit there and look like a lazy bum! It’s all about your preferences, so find what works best for you!
3. DON’T depend on your computer.
One of the most tempting things to do on your computer is to go on the infamous social media sites. Sure, it’s great to take a break on them every so often! But make sure those breaks don’t become too long or two frequent. I like to take notes in an actual notebook because I find it easier to flip through and read my notes, than if all my notes were taken on my computer. It also prevents me from being on my computer and hopping around on social media sites. It’s helps me stay focused.
4. Be comfy.
Studying is not the time to be dressed to the nines. I find I work best when I’m my most comfortable. So that means baggy sweats, and my hair up and out of my face. Sure, everyone likes to look nice, but if you’re sitting in the library with piles of papers and books surrounding you, trust me, people will understand why you aren’t all dressed up.
5. Prioritize.
I’m not saying don’t study for certain classes, but have an idea in your head, which ones probably need more of your attention. For me personally, I struggle heavily in my German classes, so obviously that class is probably going to get a very large portion of my time. Whereas I excel in my Art History courses, so I won’t be quite as focused on those. Seems like a basic thought, but prioritizing really helps you to manage your time and not stretch yourself too thin.
A lot of those tips may seem pretty basic, and well, honestly they are. But you’d be surprised how many people know about these, but constantly overlook them. It’s important to keep yourself in check during midterms, so things won’t get chaotic. If you follow through with each of these things, I can almost promise you that your midterm season will flow a lot smoother compared to if you ignore them.
Good luck my fellow Hawkeyes!