Tonight is a bitter-sweet night. It’s the last night of my freshman year at the University of Iowa. I absolutely LOVE everything about Iowa, and I’m extremely happy to call it home. There is not a single doubt in my mind that I chose the perfect school for me.
Today was a day of mixed emotions. My closest friends either already left on Thursday, or left today. I personally finished finals Thursday morning, so for the past two days I’ve been running around campus frantically saying my goodbyes. I’m personally awful with goodbyes. I have a very difficult time letting go.
On Thursday my “Big Sister” or “Mom” in my sorority, Ayat, left that day, and we’ve grown so close this past year, it was definitely one of my toughest goodbyes this week. To say the least, I hugged her well over 20 times and was reluctant to let go, I even started crying (kinda pathetic I know, but I couldn’t help it… I’m a sap!) Luckily she is a fellow Chicago-burb kid and only lives about an hour away so I can see her at least a few times this summer!

My Big Sister
Today (Friday) was filled with the most goodbyes. I woke up at 8:00 and watched my roommate pack-up and leave, and once she was gone I bolted up to the 9th floor of Slater Hall (I live on the 7th floor, er…LIVED…) and went up to my “other half” Melissa’s room, who is a fellow Tenor Saxophone in the Hawkeye Marching Band. Her whole family was there helping her pack and then left us to say our goodbyes, and just like with Ayat I was a total sap. Luckily this time I managed to hold back the tears, but now that I’m writing this blog they’re starting to come full force.
The next goodbye was my other “other half” Alex who is an Alto Saxophone in the Hawkeye Marching Band. This was more of a brief goodbye because she still had a 3:00 exam to study for. Plus she will also be visiting my hometown for my birthday on Monday! Just like Ayat she only lives about 45 minutes to an hour away. But just like everyone else I probably gave her a few hundred hugs…
After that came the last two goodbyes of the day…Victoria who is also an Alto Saxophone in HMB, and Avery who was a piccolo in HMB but is now a fellow Tenor Saxophone for the upcoming school year! They both live on the same floor/wing of Burge so I helped them both pack up, and before I knew it I had to leave to catch a bus back to Slater, and it was again the time of a thousand hugs. I was able to keep it together he rest of the afternoon, but now writing this blog and reflecting on my day it’s starting to hit me that this is truly my last night in Iowa City…(well at least until next year).

HMB Friends
I’ve spent the rest of my day packing up my things and watching TV online. I will miss living on the West side of campus, because next year I’m due to live in my Sorority house. One thing I can’t say I’ll really miss is the dorm food…well except maybe the buffet aspect..haha. This year has been absolutely incredible. It was a little rough getting mono RIGHT at the end of the year, but I stuck through it and was still able to have a blast the last few days. I couldn’t ask for a better place, or a better group of friends. I’m grateful for every one of them and they truly make my Iowa Experience that. much. better.