Back to the Old Grind!
Monday, January 23rd, 2012The days of winter break and lounging about at home are over. Back to a life of classes and not sleeping-in everyday. Don’t get me wrong, I love being at school, but the one thing I miss is an over-abundance of sleep!
After this first week back at school, I’m still trying to readjust to my schedule. Not to mention that my schedule is now altered a bit. My first class of the day may start an hour later, at 9:30, but in my head that’s an excuse for staying up one hour later…
Another adjustment to being back at school? Homework. But that’s quite obvious. Over break I led a life of leisure; I’d get up when I felt like it, lounge about in sweats all day, eat out more than I should, watch movie after movie, and in simple terms, just be lazy. Being back at Iowa I have to wake up to my alarm, eat dorm food, walk everywhere, and stay on top of my homework. After being away for a month its a slight shock to my system. But now that I’m back, I’m trying to dive back in full force and start this semester off on a good note. I’m trying new note-taking techniques, I’ve organized the files in my computer into different folders, and I’m taking my time looking for cheaper books instead of just going straight to the bookstore.
Goal for this semester? Slow down a bit, take my time, and be more organized in all aspects of my life here at Iowa.