

Homework Homework Homework…

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I know homework is good for me, but that still doesn’t make me want to do it. I will, but I’m not too happy about it. In high school I wasn’t the biggest over-achiever, I did what I had to and continued on my way. But now my teachers don’t collect homework, or even check it in usually. It makes it very tempting to not do it at all…

Most of my classes are reading based. Don’t get me wrong I love to read, but I hate being told WHAT to read, especially when there’s a lot of it! So it makes it hard to bring myself to read it, when I know that there is a 95% chance we won’t go over it in class. Yet I still find myself sitting in the IMU, reading article after article, chapter after chapter. But why? For what purpose? I still have yet to discover the answer. But my best guess? What I read will be included on tests and exams.

Although I have more freedom and choices to make in school, I need to make sure I choose the right ones. Sunday night I had to choose between playing basketball with my friends, or homework. My parents weren’t there to tell me what to do, or to ‘make’ me do something. The decision was mine, and I chose homework. I wasn’t too happy about it, but I figure I’m going to college for an education, not a social life.

My advice to any new college student out there. Go ahead have fun with friends, go out, do whatever, but when you have to choose between fun and school? Always choose school. You’re paying some serious cash to get this education, you might as well make the best of it. Even if it means giving up a basketball game every so often.



Alone in the IMU

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Having an hour between classes may be convenient, but its not enough time to go back to my dorm. So you may ask, “then where do you go?” I head to the Iowa Memorial Union aka IMU. I’ll admit, on my first day of classes sitting alone was very intimidating, and a little awkward to say the least. But I find it has more benefits than downfalls.

Sitting or eating alone may feel weird the first time, but after awhile its almost a little refreshing. My first day I was a assigned a paper that would be due in 2 weeks. I had almost 2 hours until my next class so I went in the IMU, and found a place to sit. I wasn’t sure what to do with myself, but then I realized I did have a paper to do. Within and hour I had finished that very same paper that won’t be due for a very long time. I even started my online@iowa course which will teach me how to use some of the websites Iowa utilizes. After that I just sat back, relaxed, and played some games on my computer.

Obviously there is a downside, which is obviously that I’m alone. It can be a little tedious at times, but you get past it. I just pull out my computer and right there I can find almost an infinite amount of things to do. Homework, class, games, social networking, its easy to keep myself busy for an hour, sometimes more. I’m sitting in the union now typing this post up. It’s as simple as that!

So here are some things to do and some TIPS if you find yourself sitting/eating alone:

  • Bring a laptop (if you have one) FREE WI-FI!!!
  • If you don’t have a laptop there are also ITC’s all around campus with computers for you to use!
  • Get some homework done
  • Find a comfy couch and take a nap
  • Have a snack
  • Read a book
  • Explore a building you haven’t been in or even downtown Iowa City!
  • Introduce yourself to someone you see is also sitting alone
  • Also don’t put yourself in a corner, it might make you seem unapproachable.
  • Play games, you can get them on the computer, or a deck of cards works too!

There are so many ways to occupy yourself, especially on such a huge campus like Iowa. Don’t be afraid to sit alone either, you don’t always have to sit with friends, and it gives you an opportunity to make new friends! There’s something for everyone on campus, you just have to put in the effort to find, or do it.



Hell Week

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Just the title “Hell Week” sounds intimidating right?

But have no fear! Hell Week is all about the Hawkeye Marching Band! I moved in on Monday, and that’s when Hell Week all began. Since day one, I think the only free time I’ve had is to sleep. Don’t get me wrong I’m not complaining. I’m having the time of my life! Sure the practices are long, and the days are hot, but I wouldn’t want it any other way. The band is such a tight-knit group. I’m so happy, and proud to be a part of it.

The Hawkeye Marching Band (HMB) has 2 different types of practices. There is the actual marching drill that is performed on the field, and then there is music rehearsal where all the fine tuning happens. Drill starts around 9:00am and ends around 11:30am. Then we all break for lunch, and come back for music rehearsal at 1:30pm and practice there until around 4:30pm. Then we have a dinner break, all to come back to drill practice again at 6:30pm. The final practice ends at 8:15. Its a long, sometimes grueling schedule, but the people is what really makes the HMB. Without them I don’t think I could survive these long practices. Everyone is so positive, helpful, and overall just extremely welcoming to a new freshman like me.

Today was definitely a different kind of practice. We only rehearsed for 3 hours, and in a new location. It did not take place on the typical HMB practice field over behind the Parklawn Residence Hall. We rehearsed in KINNICK STADIUM! Sure, just last night I was on the field for On Iowa! But this took the cake. I was marching and singing and was with my new friends, or as I like to call them my “built-in band friends.” Because as soon as I arrived on campus, I just knew I could easily make friends with anyone participating in the band. We are all there for the same reason, I just figure how could we not get along?

Overall Hell Week, may be physically tiring (I mean let’s face it, marching around all the time I definitely won’t be needing to hit the gym any time soon!) but mentally, its a whole other place. I’ve been the happiest I’ve ever been ever since I’ve arrived on campus, and the HMB is definitely a huge contributing factor.



All Moved In?

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As a new member of the Hawkeye Marching Band (HMB), I was able to surpass my assigned move-in date and move in on Monday August 15. I was stoked to finally get to live in my new room at Slater Hall.

Moving in was a breeze! I came with a truck full of gear and managed to get it all up there in 3 cart loads. From there it was still smooth sailing. I claimed my bed and closet, and started unpacking! Nearly every 10 minutes, my RA or others volunteers stopped by to make sure everything was going ok. I remember when my sister moved into her college dorm, her RA introduced herself and we never heard from her again. From the very first moment she had to totally fend for herself!

I loved that whatever question or concern I had could be answered within minutes. It helped me transition so much faster. It’s my second day here, and although I haven’t spent much time in my dorm, it already feels like home. Even with a missing roommate! My “roomie” Megan doesn’t move in until Thursday August 18. So I have a couple days alone, but I still feel comfortable. Because my RA and volunteers stopped by frequently I know exactly where things I need are, and where to go to get my questions answered.

Technically I may not be “all moved in” but I’m still a happy camper. I still have some things to put away and organize, but I know in the weeks to come it will be a smooth process! Now here’s a picture of my progress:

It may not be anything spectacular, but its my new home, and I can’t wait to be all moved in!









Coming Soon

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Look for my first post very soon.