About Me
I know what you’re thinking after seeing my picture, and just to clear up the confusion: I am not a professional model, I am a Senior Admission Counselor. You may remember me from such college fairs as [insert name of your high school here]! Seriously speaking, we took about ten pictures for that blog header, and the one where I decided to be a goofball and imitate my senior pictures is the one they chose.
Although I’m originally from Lino Lakes, MN, I’m proud to continue to call Iowa City home. I graduated in May 2010 with a degree in Psychology and Spanish, and took advantage of many outstanding experiences such as study abroad and student organizations along the way. I had an incredible time as a student here, and it is truly exciting to still be a part of the University of Iowa. Being able to help students (and their parents) navigate the college search process and then seeing many of them become Hawkeyes is in many ways a dream job.
Check up on my blog throughout the year to find out about cool things happening at the University of Iowa, helpful tips for the admissions process, and some stories and pics revealing the behind-the-scenes of life as an admission counselor. Heads up: there will be a lot of blog posts involving food. I love to eat.
Mention my blog at a college fair or campus visit and you’ll get free tuition! Just kidding, but I will give you a shout out in the next blog post.