If you are anything like me…the last day of break has also come with a ton of stress. While the break was relaxing, a million papers, homework assignments, and of course finals coming up hasn’t left my mind. Finals are scary, and this year I am going to be taking my first in-person final–crazy right? Here are my top 5 helpful tips on how to make it to finals week:
- Get. A. Planner. Staying organized is a game-changer. The last few weeks of school are hectic, and with studying it gets easy to let small assignments slip by. I use a planner for absolutely everything, and without it, I don’t know how I would function.
- Going along with a planner – plan out your days! During finals season, the workload just increases. Along with the normal assignments you’ve had all year, you also have to start studying for the most important exams of the semester! Planing out the days helps stay organized and get everything done. I am the type of person who will lose track of time while studying and forget to do my others tasks. Allotting myself time for each individual task helps me accomplish everything I need to do!
- Start studying ASAP! Since most finals are comprehensive, you will want to start studying earlier than other exams. The content to learn is an insane amount–too much to cram!
- Study with friends! Go to office hours! Ask questions! My favorite way to study is to review the material alone and figure out what I am unsure about, then study with friends and explain those topics to each other! If I still am unsure of something, I will go to office hours to ask. Chances are if you have a question, someone else has that same one. Also, a little pro tip, I love to go to office hours and just listen. Sometimes I don’t even know what I am unsure about and just listening to other students’ questions clarifies a ton.
- The fifth and final tip is the most important in my book… don’t be too hard on yourself. Take a break, and reward yourself for all of the hard work you are putting in. The exams are designed to be difficult, it’s okay to struggle!
These are my 5 top tips to help you get through finals season. Remember, grades don’t define you!