Archive for the ‘General’ Category

5 Things I Wish I Would’ve Known

Friday, August 30th, 2013
  1. Band-Aides are essential. Walking up and down all the hills is bound to give you blisters unless you plan on wearing tennis shoes every day. Flip flops, sandals, Sperries.. They’ve all given me blisters.
  2. Mail doesn’t come on Saturdays. Just in case you’re waiting for a package, don’t expect to get it on Saturday.
  3. RA’s are cool. The RA on the 7th floor of Slater will literally just come talk to us girls for hours at a time. Lesson? If you’re nice to the RAs, they’re nice back.
  4. The TV cable hookup is by the closet. I’m not sure about the other dorms, but in Slater if you don’t want your TV right next to the closet you should bring an extra long cable to hook it up with.
  5. Shower at weird times. People tend to wake up and shower at times that end in :00, :15, :30, and :45 so if you shower at say, 7:50 or 8:57 you’ll probably find an open shower.
  6. Bonus tip! Bring your student ID everywhere. You literally can’t do anything without it, plus some stores will give you a student discount if you have it.

P.S. check out this funny video of my boyfriend meowing to the song, “Stacy’s Mom.”


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When the Bass Drops..

Wednesday, August 28th, 2013


Friday night I went to my first dubstep concert ever. Now, let me tell you, I’m not one to like that type of music but it just so happens I fell in love with it. The energy and volume was soaring. 5 & a Dime and I think it was King’s Dead were the DJ’s and everybody was given glow necklaces on their way in.

5 & a Dime

5 & a Dime

Funniest part of the night? Kim was looking for Renee and me since she had arrived late. There were massively tall people everywhere so some guy literally put me on his shoulders just so Kim would be able to see us. The worst part? She didn’t see me.

Classes started Monday, so far so good. I also orientated at Hillcrest Dining Room for my work study job. Now if Buffalo Wild Wings would ever get back to me!

First day of school outfit!

First day of school outfit!

I need to finish getting ready for class! Chemistry at 8:30 a.m. here I come.. :/

Continuing On Iowa!

Sunday, August 25th, 2013


Okay, so a lot has happened since Tuesday. I’ve got updates, pictures, and a very important piece of advice for you!

Tuesday night, Kim, Renee, and a few other 7th floor girls decided to check out Spirit Night at Hillcrest. While we were there we made tie dye shirts and painted picture frames. It was super fun (until the dye on my shirt ran and made it an awkward grayish color. I made it into a workout shirt after that – You’ve got to love Pinterest!) They had the music bumping and cupcakes and bottles of soda to tide us through the night. You guys get to see my shirt, but not my picture frame because I am NOT very artistic!

Tie dye at Spirit Night :)

Tie dye at Spirit Night 🙂

My first order of business that night was to try sushi for the very first time. I wasn’t entirely sure what to expect but I went with a girl I met at orientation and her friends to Formosa. Turns out… I like sushi! Don’t mind me, I’m just becoming a worldly, classy woman over here 🙂 Haha.

Sushi at Formosa!

Sushi at Formosa!

Afterwards, I went to see a hypnotist in the IMU with Kim and Renee. All three of us really wanted to be chosen to go onstage and I actually ended up being one of the people who did. Unfortunately, I never ended up getting fully hypnotized because every time I felt myself slip into it, the hypnotist would touch my shoulder and it would bring me out of it. After a few times of that, I made the decision to open my eyes and completely come out of it. He had me go back to my seat in the crowd and it turned out that Kim had gotten hypnotized in the crowd.

Kim thought she was eating an ice cream cone!

Kim thought she was eating an ice cream cone!

It was HILARIOUS. The hypnotist had told them their belly buttons were missing and you could see how mad Kim was getting. She thought he had stolen it so we told her to go up onstage to get it back but she told us “No, he won’t give it back. He has it.”

Following the hypnotist show, we went outside to wait in line to head to Target Takeover. There were so many people trying to get there that we had to wait for the third bus to come around. It was completely insane, but so much fun. They had games you could play to win prizes, guys could shave their heads for a $50 gift card (why wasn’t there something for girls!?), and some pretty amazing deals. It was nearly impossible to move around the store because of the number of people that were there and the check out line stretched halfway around the store. After you checked out, you were given a goody bag FULL of stuff that is really useful to a college student.

Target Takedown was a success!

Target Takedown was a success!

Target gave us at least $30 worth of free stuff!

Target gave us at least $30 worth of free stuff!

Last night, the entire Class of 2017 headed over to Kinnick Stadium for our class picture. We made a giant “I” on the field and wore matching yellow shirts. The energy on the field was so high — It was amazing. Some kids won tours of Kinnick (pink locker room!?) and others won iPads or Kindles. Unfortunately, I did not. Then again, I was expecting it… I’ve never had the greatest luck! Haha. We spent about an hour in the stadium learning the fight song and other important cheers for the games. The cheerleaders put on a special performance for us, so that was pretty cool.
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Freshman advice: Do NOT wear your Sperries if you’re going to be doing a lot of walking! Hello, blisters!

On Iowa!

Wednesday, August 21st, 2013
We survived the first fire alarm!

We survived the first fire alarm!

Hey everybody!

I was going to tell everyone about my move in experience… except now I have something exciting to tell you! I just as I sat down to write this blog entry, and the fire alarms in Slater went off. I honestly had no idea what was going on. I thought the guys next door were playing their rap music again (at first just the sirens sounded). Then, the lights started flashing. I peeked in the hall to see what was going on and no one was there so I figured I needed to get out. I put my shoes on and locked the doors and finally others started pouring out of their  rooms. We all had to wait outside on the basketball court and finally found out the system had a double malfunction.

Now for the part I hope you want to hear about: moving in.

I moved in on Sunday, the earliest possible day. It was relatively easy – check in at the front desk, check out a cart, bring everything to your room, and try to avoid crying parents. Simple, right? The hardest part was unpacking. I am so glad my roommate was not here yet because I have my stuff spread across the entire room. It’s Tuesday and I still haven’t quite got everything put away or decorated.

My room is a work in progress!

My room is a work in progress!

I would definitely recommend leaving your door open at all times and hanging up the dry erase board on the outside. It lets people know that you are here and wanting to meet new people. I’ve met a whole lot of people including two girls from the floor above me that I really like!

Well, I left this post and finished it much much later (hey, a girl needs to go out right?) and On Iowa! begins tomorrow morning and I planning on going to YogaBox as of now. It starts in literally 6 hours so I need to get some sleep like right now!

Good night!