Hey again!
This weekend I was lucky enough to Ames, Iowa, where the annual Iowa vs. Iowa State football game was held this year. Thankfully, one of my very good friends, Maria, has an apartment close to the Iowa State campus, so I stayed with her.
I went up on Friday night, and even then, the traffic was CRAZY. I don’t know a single person who wasn’t emotionally invested in this specific game. I got to my destination with no issues, and prepared myself for an insanely fun weekend. That night, I got to try fantastic spicy food from a local noodle kitchen and spend time with my friends.
Saturday, it was all for: GAME DAY! Maria and I were NOT going to deal with the crazy people in the football game, so we went to a watch party at one of her friend’s house. My day was filled with Christ, food, fun, and football! I made lots of new friends (even if most of them were Cyclones fans).

Now I’m not much of a football expert, but I think it’s safe to say that this game was INSANE! After the first rain delay, I had already lost interest in the game. I was tired and didn’t want to wait the 30 minutes until they could play again… 49 minutes later, my interest peaked again as they finished the first quarter. With the score 7-3 Cyclones, you can imagine my frustration when they called anotherĀ rain delay. Now I knew the weather would be sketchy, but it got dangerous outside. Thunderstorms and even some hail scattered the area. Everyone thought the game would be cancelled… but it wasn’t. Many hours after the game was supposed to be over, they started to play football AGAIN.
At this point in the game, it is a complete toss-up between the Hawkeyes and the Cyclones. Personally, I didn’t think that it was Iowa’s best game, but the Cyclones played exceptionally well except for two plays. If you watched the game at all, you know exactly what I’m talking about. In one play, the quarterback fell flat on his face after losing traction on the field, and even though it wasn’t his fault, it was pretty devastating for the Cyclones. The second play that probably cost them the win, was when one of the players blocked another from catching, resulting in an interception and a win from the Hawkeyes.
No matter what, the Hawkeyes came home with the Cy-Hawk trophy for the 5th consecutive year. My weekend in Ames was incredible, being able to experience my first rivalry game and making lots of friends along the way.
Until next time, GO HAWKS!