As finals week is quickly approaching preparing for those late-night study sessions is at the forefront of my mind.
Luckily for me, I’m used to finals week. In high school, for 5 days it was just back-to-back tests or presentations, but what got me through that week was my finals survival guide!
- A good playlist- I am one of those people that can not study in complete silence, I have to have something playing. I often switch from those Youtube, “cafe study” or “lofi study” videos and my own study playlists and study break playlists. I have linked some, so give them a listen.
- Productive study space- Whether it’s your dorm or a lounge or even a study room in one UIowa’s many wonderful libraries, there are extensive study spaces on campus! So far this semester I have found my dorm and the business library to be some very productive spaces. My roommate and I designed our room to be home but at the same time a study space, which I really recommend. We turn on our soft lights, turn on the speaker, refill out water bottles, and just do work. If you find a space that nurtures productivity, you will get so much done!
- Study-buddy– As I mentioned above, my roommate and I study together and it’s great! I say this because not only is it someone who can make sure you are focused but you can ask them to quiz you on the content or help you proofread an essay. It is also nice to have someone there when you take a study break!
- Take Study breaks!- I don’t think I can stress this enough, taking study breaks is so important. Our brains can only take so much and if we cram, information will be less likely to remain. That being said try every 30 minutes to get up, maybe walk around, get a snack, to give your brain, and yourself a break 🙂
Good luck with finals!