Ahhh this weather is crazy!!

Well if you’ve read my “about me” tab you already know I’m not originally from the state of Iowa, I am from Texas where yesterday in my home town it was a high of 95 just like weather in August should be…. HOT. So thank god I took a look at the weather today before I walked out the door, it was only 58 degrees! I had to wear a pullover in the middle of August, but all is good now its a beautiful 73 out, I’ll take that.

One thought on “Ahhh this weather is crazy!!”

  1. Erik, you are so lucky to be living in that cool 58 degrees!! The other day we set a record high with a 107 I think. It is grossly hot and I can’t wait for the coolness to make its way down here! Keep checkin’ that weather! 🙂

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