I don’t know if you knew this, but last night Jake, Amir, and Streeter from collegehumor.com did stand up at the IMU. There wasn’t as many people there that I was expecting, but oh well good seats for me! (third row to be exact) They were all very funny as expected, and afterwords I got to meet, and take a picture with them. You have to understand, I’ve been visiting this website since I was 15 years old, at least once a day, but more like 2 or 3, so to meet the guys that I’ve idolized for 5 years is a pretty big deal for me. Once I graduate Ill have my diploma on one wall, and this photo framed on another.

Obviously dark jeans are in style just look at that picture, I’m embarrassed, I honestly am….
You missed it bro! I missed the Aasif Mandvi earlier this year but this definetly made up for it. Streeter might be my new faviorite comedian after his stand up.
Wow, Nice! Wish I could have gone to this. Aasif Mandvi (hilarious correspondent for The Daily Show with Jon Stewart) was awesome earlier this year. I can only imagine how funny this was.