I want to start this post out with a question, or maybe a few. Number 1 is anyone else as sad as I am that Thanksgiving break is already over? Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. Family, good food, and football, does it get much better? But this semester has just been flying by, and now Thanksgiving is already over 🙁 2 and a half weeks till Christmas though 🙂 . Question number 2, who else is peeved about the football team this year? Seriously guys? A loss to Minnesota to top it all off? I’m not going to go on a huge rant about how angered I was on Saturday but jeez fellas have a little heart to win against a rival (a terrible rival at that, and they’re the gophers? what kind of a nickname is that?) but anyway I digress. On to basketball, question number 3, who else watched that game on Friday? Final score Iowa 111- SIU-e 50. Ok ok SIU-e isn’t exactly North Carolina but jeez you beat anybody by 61 points that’s awesome, and with the blinding rage I feel towards the football team this game made me feel 100% better.