What a game!!!

Wow I must say today was the best football game Ive ever been too, it was absolutely perfect! Iowa blew out the number 5 team in the country (even though they were a little overrated), the weather was beautiful (after Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday I thought today was going to be  unbearably cold), and I got so much great attention from my costume! I was dressed up as Waldo as in Where’s Waldo? I was standing in line waiting to get into Kinnick and a nice older lady comes up to me and asks, hey Adrian’s mom wants a picture with you is that ok? Of course I said sure but in my head I’m like who’s Adrian? Turns out the lady was Adrian Clayborn’s mom, only the mother of my most favorite Hawkeye this season, the lady who gave birth to the 6’4 300 pound All-American stood at about 5 foot. She was really nice though, and once I figured out who she was I told her I LOVE YOUR SON!!! If only I could have gotten that picture for myself and framed it.

Halftime was amazing too, I don’t know how many people saw this but I was entertained not by the band, but by a young man who dressed up like a spot on Antoine Dodson (HIDE YO KIDS, HIDE YO WIFE!) yea that guy. He sang the entire song, if only I could ve gotten a picture with him and framed it.

Last but not least, a dream of mine was fulfilled this afternoon, I finally was able to storm the field at Kinnick. Ive been waiting to do that since I was probaly 10 years old. It was great, I patted AC on the shoulder pads, and patted Greg Castillo on the helmet. Plus i got a picture with some friends on the field, if only I could find it and frame that bad boy up. Man today was just a picturesque day.

Ramen Noodles….

I just noticed I have a ton of Ramen Noodles laying around, most of them are chicken flavor and chicken cream flavor. Ok what the heck is chicken cream flavor? It sounds kinda gross to be honest, everyone knows what chicken tastes like, but chicken cream? And is it chicken in cream flavor, or cream of chicken flavor? Who’s idea was this? Ok well here goes my first bite…. alright it tastes just like chicken flavor. Guess all this reading was for nothing…..sorry.

Family Weekend

Family weekend was awesome! (except for the part when Iowa lost) My parents came up from Texas on Wednesday and I was able to spend time with them for the first time in 2 and a half months. Over the span of 3 days I played basketball with my dad at the Fieldhouse,went to the Black and Gold shop and shopped, and saw a movie in Coralville. It was a great way to recharge my family battery before Christmas break. It was really too bad Iowa lost Saturday, the weekend was almost perfect, oh well right.

Needing confidence

I am in desperate need of some confidence, not for talking to girls, or making friends, but for school. My grades haven’t been terrible but there definitely not what Ive been used to. In my two years at a community college I got 1 C I believe. So far it looks like I might be getting at least 2 this semester. But I guess that’s what I should have expected coming to a big university to finish out this degree. In other news has anyone seen the Lodge apartments? Wow, pretty nice I must admit. Its funny how I desperately wanted to get a dorm and stay out of that place, but after one visit it looks like a pretty sweet deal. Just saying if you’re applying to Iowa and your a transfer like me, don’t fear the Lodge.

You know after reading this over it sounds a lot like a pitch for the Lodge, haha sorry I wasn’t trying to make it sound like that.

Amazing weekend

So this weekend was great, I’m on the Men’s club rowing team, and we had our first Regatta’s (that’s right two in one weekend). One in the Quad Cities, and the other in Rockford, Illinois. If you don’t know much about rowing that’s ok neither did I until about a month ago, but I’ll try and reduce the rowing terminology just for you guys. We had two races at the first regatta, one 8 man boat, and two 4 men boats. Overall I’d say we did pretty terrible in our 8 man boat, buuut our 4 men boats both did pretty decent (my boat finished 8th out of 20 boats). That first regatta was in the Quad Cities and while it seemed big it wasn’t half the size of the regatta in Rockford. I don’t know exact numbers but there was a TON of other crews (boat teams) and spectators there. The competition also got a lot tougher in Rockford. Notre Dame, Michigan and Purdue, were all there. My 4 man boat actually finished third but got scratched (disqualified) because our number at the front of the boat blew off from the wind (how are you going to penalize a team for that?). Even though Rockford stole our medals I walked away from this weekend feeling very excited for the rest of the rowing season.

If you’re interested in rowing you could leave me a comment, we always could use more guys!!


Whatever you do, do not come into Iowa City right now! So many people are sick right now, its absolutely disgusting. We need to purell the whole town, ban high-fiving, disinfect door knobs, and pass out mask’s asap. Just when I thought I was completely healthy again BAM! I’m sick.

If anyone has some miracle cure please let me know I’m willing to try anything right about now.

Week 6

Ah its week 6 already, for me the fall semester always goes by so fast, and this fall is no exception. It seems like just yesterday I was moving into my dorm and getting lost on campus. Now look at me, my room is thoroughly lived in, and Iowa City has become my second home. Its not like I’m wanting this semester to go by super fast, but I really am looking forward to Christmas break with my family and puppy. Plus it will be fun just laying around, watching Christmas specials for an entire month.

It’s homecoming week?

Just a quick post this time as I am currently studying for a midterm, and just completed a paper for my Lit class. Not fun things to be doing, but I have been so nervous (paranoid really) about grades that I have re-dedicated myself to school for awhile.  I had an SPJ meeting last night, Society of Professional Journalist for those of you who don’t know yet, and it was pretty interesting. We have a fairly small group but its nice being around like-minded people, it was only about a 45 minute meeting too, so I never got that OMG WHEN CAN I LEAVE feeling.

I forgot it was homecoming week until I walked by old capitol today and saw the huge stage there setting up for some no name band. Still looking forward to the parade and game though, night game in Iowa City? yea it’ll be rockin’.

Gameday- part 3

My oh my well I must say that was a good way to rebound Hawkeyes, after a loss to Arizona last week (that I took VERY hard) a 45-0 win made me feel pretty good (albeit against Ball State). The only negative to this game was the weather, I’m from Texas so anything under 70 degrees is freezing for me. Yea it was 55 at kickoff, and it was raining, and Ive been pretty sick this week, so I left at halftime (I’m sorry!!!).  I’ll try to not leave early for anymore games this season you have my word. And to make this day even better I finished my religion essay, it took me two and a half hours but I knocked it out.

All in all I’d say a pretty decent day

P.S. just spell checked this and no misspelled words, I’m getting better.