It’s homecoming week?

Just a quick post this time as I am currently studying for a midterm, and just completed a paper for my Lit class. Not fun things to be doing, but I have been so nervous (paranoid really) about grades that I have re-dedicated myself to school for awhile.  I had an SPJ meeting last night, Society of Professional Journalist for those of you who don’t know yet, and it was pretty interesting. We have a fairly small group but its nice being around like-minded people, it was only about a 45 minute meeting too, so I never got that OMG WHEN CAN I LEAVE feeling.

I forgot it was homecoming week until I walked by old capitol today and saw the huge stage there setting up for some no name band. Still looking forward to the parade and game though, night game in Iowa City? yea it’ll be rockin’.

Welcome (back) to college Erik

I endured two years at a junior college and to be honest, I was never really stressed or super challenged with the school work there. That being said I am feeling pretty stressed right about now. Remember the saying, “so much to do so little time?” (apparently its a song too) Well that is literally my life right now, I got an application to the College of Journalism that’s due on the 17th  (pray for me?), a paper for Literature due Friday (I rocked it), another paper due the 27 (this one will rock me). Oh yea don’t let me forget about that test coming up on the 16th ( wish I would’ve read), and all of these classes have monster books that I have to read (better get started).

But I’m not down, I got a new backpack today, and it has a Hawkeye on the front! Oh yea, and a new T-shirt for the game Saturday! (heck yes its gold!)

Class- day 2

Alright so I just got done with my second full day as a U of I student and I must say it appears this semester will not be much fun. I’m only taking 12 hours but all my classes are reading intensive!!! My homework has been nothing but read this chapter, read that chapter, take notes over this article, blah blah blah. Its also pretty hard to read the articles when your professor didn’t put them in ICON the proper way, so now instead of being almost done with this homework i’m emailing my professor telling him that NOTHING on his ICON page works. Oh well at least this is a good excuse to kick back and watch some little league world series.

BTW who’s all gonna be at the IMU tonight for Aasif Mandvi at 7:30?