Im tired….

Yes school must getting into the swing of things because I’m finally starting to feel that physical and mental exhaustion setting in. Rowing practice has taken a lot out of me (about 7 pound in under a week), and the constant homework has been killing my brain (when does Christmas break start again?). I’m on a diet of soda (its not called pop), and energy drinks just to get me through the day. But in good news, I joined yet another student organization today (the process is just too simple), SPJ or the Society of Professional Journalist. Big shocker the blogger wants to become a journalist right? But it seemed like a cool group, and I can get a lot of networking out of it (Chicago Tribune still hasn’t contacted me yet, blog effectiveness = not working).

By the way please don’t judge me based on this picture above this post ^^ (the sun was in my eyes…..)


Well I’m pretty sure I predicted this in a past post about how busy this month was going to be for me, and so far my prediction is right on point. But today was a good day, I’ve started chipping away at all this homework, and studying a bit, so maybe this weekend won’t be too crazy full of work. I met coach McCaffery too ( he was in the dining hall wearing a suit, he stuck out just a bit). Also IOWA FOOTBALL IS TOMORROW!!!! (well really later today i guess if your going to be technical about the time) but I’m so pumped! Lets hope we make it three years in a row that State hasn’t scored a touchdown.


Frat Recruitment

Fraternity recruitment meet and greet was today and it was pretty cool. I met a lot of nice guys and learned a lot about all the Frats here at Iowa. However it was a little weird being in a room with hundreds of other guys and no one knows what to ask. Hey is your Frat awesome? Is your house big? I’m pretty certain five frats told me they had the best grades last year, or they were the best at intramural’s (I really couldn’t care less how good you were at fake football). All in all though it wasn’t too bad, and I’m pretty excited about all the free food I’m promised at all the frat socials tomorrow.

Ill keep ya posted on all this frat shenanigans, until next time later blog!


Yes the second week of school is over, that means its time for FRY FEST, and HAWKEYE FOOTBALL!!!! The weather is beautiful, the energy on campus is electric, the homework is all done, and there is no class on monday! This looks like its going to be a great weekend if I do say so myself.


Im never going to get used to this :(

THE BATHROOMS AND THE DORM FOOD!!!! The bathrooms aren’t terribly disgusting or anything. In fact, they’re kept up and clean, it’s just the fact that I’m maybe a foot away from another dude in there at all times. Whether your at the urinal, using the throne, or taking a shower you’re just right up on top of one another. If anyone knows about a secret bathroom somewhere on campus that smells good, has some Charmin toilet paper, and a huge shower please let me know. The food isn’t bad either, I’m admitting it tastes REALLY good, but the problem is not eating it, it’s the way it makes my tummy feel (ouch).

Oh well dorm life isn’t too bad…. unless you’re using the bathroom.

Picking a dorm?

If you are an incoming freshman, or like me a transfer student and you want to live in a dorm (or your parents make you), look no further. Hillcrest HAS to be the best dorm available, OK OK I’ve only lived here for about three weeks (I moved in early) but Hillcrest has everything to offer, they actually offer more then most of the other dorms. They have a great dining facility, with excellent food (eh maybe more like B+) and even better views of downtown Iowa City (Hey is that the old capitol building!?). They have a cozy (small) gym with ellipticals, treadmills, and other workout equipment. That should come in handy once its 20 degrees out and you don’t feel like walking down to the REC (or when your trying to lose that freshman 15). Hillcrest is also the athletics dorm, so you run into volleyball players (thank you Jesus), football players, and tons of other athletes all the time (do swimmers count?). The only downside to this is the fact that standing next to a 6’6 300 + pound offensive lineman can sometimes make you feel pretty puny (Ive never felt like less of a man). The showers are decent nothing too special (free athletes foot!), the rooms are pretty nice (I hit my head on the ceiling waking up this morning), me and my roomie don’t have air conditioning and it isn’t too unbearable (its normal to sweat while you sleep right?).

Ok all sarcasm aside, Hillcrest is pretty sweet, just remember say no to Parklawn.

Lazy Sunday

Well so far today has been nothing but a lazy Sunday, waking up late, watching the little league world series, eating chocolate chip cookies (thanks mom!), reading 14 chapters worth of Pride and Prejudice (thanks Lit Professor!), and once the small crowd dissipates Ill be doing some laundry as well. So what else is there to do on a lazy Sunday? Well apparently it’s fill out a fraternity registration packet. Now I know what your thinking Erik, frats aren’t that cool, you don’t need to join one of those. Well, you’re right, I don’t neeeeeed to. But I weighed the options and now believe that a frat is going to be my best bet at meeting some people fast. Ill let you guys (and maybe girls read this blog too?) know how it all goes.

Oh yea first meeting of the Stock Investment Club is tonight!

Ahhh this weather is crazy!!

Well if you’ve read my “about me” tab you already know I’m not originally from the state of Iowa, I am from Texas where yesterday in my home town it was a high of 95 just like weather in August should be…. HOT. So thank god I took a look at the weather today before I walked out the door, it was only 58 degrees! I had to wear a pullover in the middle of August, but all is good now its a beautiful 73 out, I’ll take that.