Hi everyone!
I am going to share with you some tips and strategies that I do daily which have allowed me to be productive and organized while living a meaningful day!
Tip #1: The most important part of having a worthwhile day is understanding what’s going to keep you from it. If I don’t have a very productive day, it’s because I spent a lot of time wondering what was on my social media. I recommend downloading the app “Forest” if you struggle with something similar. :)
Tip #2: Your mindset is EVERYTHING, make sure it’s POSITIVE. Some days, you won’t want to feel like doing anything…and that’s okay; it means you need a break. But, you do have to make sure that you’re on top of everything most of the time :) Find ways to keep yourself motivated and accountable. Write down everything that is due for the week in your planner, and then delegate specific tasks to every day to make sure everything gets done. Also, write down anything socially that you are hoping to do for the week. I really enjoy watching shows every week on TV (The Bachelor, Chicago Shows, etc.); to keep myself motivated, I make sure all of my work for the day is done by the time those shows are on so I can relax and enjoy!
Tip #3: Fuel yourself! Make sure to drink lots of water and eat healthier meals to keep your mind functioning the way it should. Throw in a coffee if you need to wake up a little. :)
Tip #4: The atmosphere you are in throughout the day is so important. Make sure it’s clean, cozy, happy, and partly technology-free (no turning on the TV or looking at your phone constantly). Straighten up anything throughout the day to make sure your work area/room stays consistently clean.

Tip #5: Start your productive day by not doing actual work. For me, this means having a daily routine that I follow. I will make sure I get all of my morning tasks done before I start any school work. If I don’t stick to my routine, and I’m somewhat lazy when I get up, I won’t continue my day being productive.
Tip #6: Take breaks. You shouldn’t be go-go-go all day because then you will tire

yourself out and won’t be able to stay motivated to complete all of your tasks. I recommend taking thorough breaks for at least a half-hour when you have your meals to give yourself some time to reboot. For shorter breaks, talk to one of your family members, get in a workout, or go to Starbucks!
Tip #7: Wake up on the earlier side during the week, and sleep in on weekends. I’m not saying get up at 5am, but I would say to make sure you are crawling out of bed by 8am during the week to have a productive day. Get your much-needed rest on the weekends and leave only a few assignments to complete. :)
Thanks for reading! Have a beautiful rest of your day. :)
Quote of the day: “Always deliver more than expected” ~ Larry Page