Around this time of year, students are wondering what residence hall they should apply for and which is truly ‘the best’ hall. Well, I’m here to tell you some of the best kept secrets about the residence halls on campus and I will reveal which hall is actually THE BEST!
First, some tips about choosing a residence hall at Iowa:
- This is college, do not choose a hall that your friend likes! You are not clones, venture out and think for yourself.
- RESEARCH, RESEARCH, RESEARCH…hey, you have already started by reading this blog!
- Look at the amenities in each room: do you want your own bathroom, air conditioning or kitchen?
- Learn your dimensions – we provide pictures and floor plans, but if you are a hands on learner, get out a tape measure and see what a 11×15 room actually looks like.
- Decide what side of the river you want to be on.
- Do you want to be on a living and learning community? If that is most important, look and see where that LLC is located.
- Interested in being around other Honors students? Daum will be your option
- If you are not so adventurous and will be rooming with someone you already know, be sure that you fill out your housing applications exactly the same and submit at the same time!
- Narrow down your top 3 favorite residence halls and weigh your options
- Be open to a new experience and what ever hall you end up in, you will love it!
So – what IS the BEST residence hall? The answer is: Burge!
Actually, that was my residence hall my first year and I had the best roommate and love Burge. If you ask current students at Iowa, they will usually say the residence hall that they live in…so, essentially its where you make your home. 🙂
However, I did say I would give you some “secrets” of the residence halls and I have done a quick survey in our office and have gotten the following responses:
- Currier – According to front desk student, “It was better than Burge” Me – “Why?” Student – “Because it’s where I lived and I wasn’t around the food all the time.” (Burge has the dining facility on the east side of campus
- Slater – According to recently hired admission counselor, “It was on the west side of campus and closer to the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, where I had a job.”
- Hillcrest – According to a student volunteer, “It’s where the hot male student athletes live.” Me – “Wow.” SMH
- Quad – According to a fellow admission counselor, “Um, hello? That’s where I lived, so it was cool!” Me – “Glad I didn’t live there.” Fellow AC – “No, but for real, it really only has 2 floors so on move in day you don’t have to wait for elevators and it’s easy to move in and out.”
- Stanley – According to a Program Assistant in our office, “I was a part of the Stanley 10, we had an amazing view from our rooms. People would come from miles to our study lounge just to see the view, especially of the fall foliage.”
- Rienow – According to a office manager, “I did have a great experience in another hall and had a better experience in Rienow. I also liked being on the west side to be away from all the traffic and ‘stuff’ of the east side.”
- Burge – According to me, “It was on the east side of campus and close to my classes. It has a dining facility and I could go eat in my pajamas without putting on a coat in the winter.”
Be sure to check out the housing website: for more information!!!
I left it out because you lived there! LOL…Fine, Daum is cool too, not because Tom lived there.
Naturally you leave out Daum, which was my building freshman year. Pshh. You’re just jealous because you know it’s the best!