Greed is Good

Well, I don’t particularly agree with that, but IF I was Gordon Gekko (aka Michael Douglas) from Wall Street and Wall Street: Money Never Dies, I totally would.  After watching those two movies in the past three days, it has made me reevaluate my decision to be an English major.

For those of you that have not seen either of the movies, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?  Netflix people!

Anyways this post is kind of purposeless and off topic, but I just really wish I could be a huge broker in New York, wearing suits for no apparent reason, smoking illegal cigars, and driving fast motorcycles on the way to important meetings.  I mean who wouldn’t want to look like this every day of the week (note: I’m the only one in white!).

So for all of you that think being an English major, or any other major besides some sort of fiance or business will be cool, watch Wall Street before you make your decision!

As always On Iowa, and Go Hawks!

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