Now this is Iowa City

Being that I have been here for the summer, slaving away at the hands of some of Iowa City’s most wealthiest members of the AARP  (most of which refuse to tip), I kind of forgot the buzz that surrounds the campus during the first week of classes.

The wave of freshman (my baby sister included) flooding towards unknown destinations (on campus and in life), the Greek’s all wearing matching T-shirts, athletes recklessly driving mopeds, and the mini riots waiting at each Cambus bus stop is one sight to see.

I never truly realized it before, nor have I ever really stood around to take it all in my last couple of years here in Iowa City.

As a freshman there is generally way to much going on. Sophomore’s (at least for me) are usually too worried about not seeming like a freshman. Juniors, well, they know the campus, and are just wanting to have a good time.

But now as a senior, thoughts about the real life that awaits me are all that pop into my mind as I walk around the Pentacrest. Oh how quickly these four years (or five) can go.

So for all of you youngsters wandering around campus in a blaze, take a quick minute to stop and look around, because real life will be starring a you before you can say “I want Panchero’s” after a late night in the bar.

As always, Go Hawks, and On Iowa!


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