Mid-term Crunch
Monday, October 10th, 2016*Takes deep breath* it’s October, and college has decided this is the week that I’ll do all my mid-term papers. The crunch is real. I have two tests on Wednesday with one on Tuesday that covers a whole chapter of my Spanish class, and I have to work Tuesday, and on Wednesday I have three classes. On Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday I have to work. Plus on Thursday my Philosophy paper is due, and I have to eat and prepare to go home at the end of the month and ahhhh.. *Exhales*

Can’t go wrong with a Narmer from Erber and Gerber and a Blueberry-Pomegranate Vitamin water
This is the difficult part of college. The management of of everything put together is strenuous: work, school, family, friends, this blog, and studying. One thing I learned is that the more you do, the more things have to go right. I believe it was the Notorious B.I.G. that said “Mo’ money mo’ problems,” and that philosophy can be implied here. One thing I learned however, is to take it one day at a time. Read your planner and see what you have to do, then like a running back on the goal line, tuck your head and push through. If you freak out about everything, then nothing will get accomplished.
Along the way of my trucking, I found my favorite place to study. Aside from the ITC, I spend most of my time in the Hawkeye room of the IMU. It’s always quiet, it has food right next to it, and it has a TV, so when you’re done studying you can look at what’s happening on the news or in the football game.
But the crunch is real now. They say pressure makes diamonds, but it also bursts pipes. I always wondered why freshman GPA is lower than everyone else, and now I see why. Time management is difficult, but like I said, keep your head down and keep trucking, you’ll find the end-zone.