There is nothing better than having a clean and refreshed living space. Just because you live in a dorm does not mean you have to refrain from your annual spring cleaning. But what steps are crucial parts of spring cleaning a dorm room?
This past weekend I spent half of Sunday morning getting my dorm room in Burge refreshed for spring. I began by taking everything off my desk and dusting it. If your dorm is anything like mine, dust accumulates in about 0.002 seconds, so dusting is crucial. Once everything was off my desk, I used a Clorox wipe to wipe down every side and surface of it. This includes moving it out from the wall to clean that side too!
The next task was wiping down the sink area. I wiped down the top surface, and just like the desk, all the other sides of the sink too. I also wiped down our toothbrush holder and soap dispenser.
Cleaning all of the mirrors in my room is quite the task, as both my roommate and I have a small standing make-up mirror on our desk, a mirror in front of the sink, and a full-length mirror on the wall. I just used Windex and a paper towel to scrub all the spots away.
The following task, in my opinion, is the most important part of spring cleaning; decluttering. My roommate and I like to keep snacks in our room so we have an entire bin full of snacks, but a few items in the bin had been in there for a while and were not getting eaten. I went through everything and threw out things I knew we were not going to eat. We also have a fridge in our room so I went through everything in there and threw out what was old or wouldn’t get eaten. Then I restocked the fridge with water and our favorite drink of choice; Bubbl’r. As you could have guessed, I also wiped down every single side of the fridge and microwave. The inside of our microwave was gross so I used an old toothbrush, dawn dish soap, and hot water to scrub away all the grime.
Getting the floors clean is definitely one of the more tricky parts of spring cleaning in a dorm room. Sand from the sidewalks during the winter season always seemed to make its way into our room so our floors were quite grime-y. I began by taking a Clorox wipe to the baseboards all around the room. Then I used a paper towel along the edges of the wall to try and gather all of the dust bunnies that had accumulated in the low-traffic areas. Finally, it was time to vacuum absolutely everywhere.
All of this only took me about an hour and a half and my room felt so much better after! So what are you waiting for, it’s time to get that spring cleaning done in your room too